acupuncture studio


Private sessions | Community sessions | Workshops

Cold Spring + Beacon, New York

fire element
water element
Five element Acupuncture, Metal element

What to Expect in an Acupuncture Session

Initial visits begin with a digital intake which offers insight into your particular concerns and personal story. To begin a session, we will sit and chat about you, your concerns, and how you would like to feel. Next we will move to the treatment where you will lie on a heated massage table. Depending on time of year and amount of clothing, you may roll up sleeves, change into looser/ comfortable clothes if desired, or use draping blankets.

I may read your pulse, look at your tongue, and ask more questions, to understand your system from a Chinese Medicine diagnostic lens. The treatment will include a personalized blend of acupuncture points, acupressure, channel palpation, gentle body work, gua sha, cupping, moxibustion, aromatherapy acupressure application, flower essences, guided breathing, rest, ear seeds, and/or seasonal guidance.

To close, all pins are removed and we will check in with how you are feeling or any noticings you had during the session. I may recommend optional herbs, flower essences, and any other practices I think may be beneficial to you.

  • Cold Spring Studio

    Cold Spring Studio

    Receive private 1:1 acupuncture with Lauren in downtown Cold Spring at the Ascend Center location Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

    1 Chestnut St, Located in the Rectory, Cold Spring, NY 10516

  • acupuncture

    Community Acupuncture

    Semi-private acupuncture at Daydream Collaborative in Beacon, NY every other Friday. Community style acupuncture with two people receiving acupuncture at a time.

    544 Main Street Beacon, NY 12508